Boardwalk II...Back To Wildwood Documentary

by Ray Becker
(Wildwood Crest, NJ, USA)

This film was shot on a Canon movie camera in HD 1080p. The shooting occurred mostly during the summer of 2012. The project is mostly financed by film maker Bob Ingram along with a few private investors.

Film editing began in earnest after January 2013. All of the stock, original footage was collected via data transfer and the film maker laid out a rough story board and timeline. Lead editor is Raymond Becker along with Anthony Deutsch. The software used for all of the editing is Corel Video Studio x5 Ultimate.

All editing was done on a PC laptop running Windows 7. Intel Core i3 processor with 8 GB ram and 500MB of disk space.

The film, as of this writing is still a few weeks from completion. We are going to produce two versions. One version will be for submission to PBS due to their airing the original movie in 2004. The PBS version will be 56 minutes long and formatted to PBS technical requirements.

Shortly after we roll out the PBS version, we will produce a longer DVD version of the movie.

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