Film Proposals Financing Blog | Film Investors, Grants, Festivals, News

Film Proposals Financing Blog

Independent Film Financing News

The Movie Cents Newsletter brings you the latest on Film Festivals, Investors looking for you, Contests, Grants, Prizes, Specials and Discounts. Subscribe to Movie Cents and get our FREE 8 Week Film Financing, Film Investors and Business Plan E-Course.

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Jul 24, 2024

Film Proposal Example Value Proposition | Sell Your Movie

How to sell your movie with your strong and unique Film Proposal Value Proposition

Continue reading "Film Proposal Example Value Proposition | Sell Your Movie"

Jul 23, 2024

Ultimate Guide to Impressing Film Investors With Storyboards & Pre-Sales

Guide to Impressing Film Investors

Getting investors for your film is a full-time job - and here’s a warning: It’s a job for serious filmmakers only. In order to be successful, you have to commit yourself to working harder than you’ve ever worked in your life — possibly even harder than you will making the film. If you want to impress investors, you’ll need to educate yourself thoroughly about every financial aspect of the film industry, from production and marketing distribution to foreign film rights. One of the most impressive things you can do for your pitch is show your vision with a film storyboard. A great storyboard bridges the gap between ideation and creation and can impress an investor. Essentially, your storyboard is a complete graphic novelization of your film, in which panels are used to express every key moment or crucial camera angle.

Continue reading "Ultimate Guide to Impressing Film Investors With Storyboards & Pre-Sales"

Jul 16, 2024

What the Pros Tell Film Investors About You

Film Investing Advice from the Wall Street Journal

Film Investing Advice from the Wall Street Journal | For Investors

Classic article from WSJ with current information, even in the 2024 Indie Film market. Film investing pay offs can be as high as 50% to 100% in the first three years, IF a film is successful, which is a big "if." Find out how to minimize your risk, be aware of many of the things that could possibly go wrong during filming and how to identify a well-conceived marketing and distribution plan that makes sense and isn't built on hope. More: Film Investing Advice from the Wall Street Journal

Continue reading "What the Pros Tell Film Investors About You"

Jul 09, 2024

How to Use Your Ideas to Attract Investors

Film Business Plan Tips

These film business plan tips will lead you straight to finding and securing the right investors for your movie. Whether you use a business plan, private placement memorandum, or other fundraising vehicle, we want you to stand out from the crowd and pitch your project in a way that compels investors to write you a check now.

Continue reading "How to Use Your Ideas to Attract Investors"

Jul 02, 2024

[Review] Film Investment Package is Like The Pot of Gold

Movie Investor Package'When I came across the Business Plan Tools and the Finance Guide, I felt like I could stop searching for the pot of gold ... I’d found it. In one place, with clear, easy to follow materials and spreadsheets, my questions were answered. It still depends on me and what I do but the blueprint is all there. Thanks.'

Thanks to Barry, Producer, River Dreaming Entertainment, for taking the time to leave us feedback!!! Check out more Movie Investor Package Reviews.

Continue reading "[Review] Film Investment Package is Like The Pot of Gold"

Jun 18, 2024

Filmmaker Legal Checklist | 10 Steps by Filmmaker & Attorney

Filmmaker Legal Checklist

Our new Filmmaker Legal Checklist, written by Dori Zavala, Attorney & Filmmaker @ Open For Show Business, covers so many important legal considerations when making your film. In this amazing article, Dori goes into detail on things like forming a Legal Entity, Setting Up Your Business, Documenting and Clearing Chain of Title, Setting Up Your Business to accept investments and so much more!

Continue reading "Filmmaker Legal Checklist | 10 Steps by Filmmaker & Attorney"

Jun 18, 2024

Filmmaker Legal Checklist | 10 Steps by Filmmaker & Attorney

Filmmaker Legal Checklist by Filmmaker & Attorney who raised over $1M for her films using this list. Set up your film for max success!

Continue reading "Filmmaker Legal Checklist | 10 Steps by Filmmaker & Attorney"

May 19, 2024

Pitch to Film Investors | Practical and Proven Tips for Fundraising

Pitch to Film Investors | Practical and Proven Tips for Fundraising

Your pitch to film investors can be intimidating and you may only get one opportunity. According to Eminem's Lose Yourself, "Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted. One moment... Would you capture it or just let it slip? Yo"

If you are pro the 'capture' option, then before you even contact a film investor, you must be fully prepared. Our How to Pitch to Film Investors article will help you do just that!

How to Pitch to Film Investors

Continue reading "Pitch to Film Investors | Practical and Proven Tips for Fundraising"

May 16, 2024

[Review] Very Helpful and Resourceful Materials | Good Investor Results!

Film Financial Projections Business Plan Template'Hello, I bought both Gold Toolkit and Platinum Bundle. They are a life saver! I have been able to approach some investors already, with their help and are getting good results and it is expected to get even better soon. I will recommend these products to anyone who aspires to succeed in this field. They are indispensable and legally very instructive.' - David, Producer

Thanks to David for taking the time to leave us feedback!!! Check out more Movie Investor Package Reviews.

Continue reading "[Review] Very Helpful and Resourceful Materials | Good Investor Results!"

Apr 25, 2024

Find Film Investors & Raise Money for a Feature Movie

How to Find Film Investors

How to Find Film Investors seems to be a huge hurdle for filmmakers, but it is actually quite simple. Any filmmaker who is prepared for film investors will find them. The filmmakers who find it difficult to secure investors are those who completely skip over the process of preparing, attracting, pitching and working with investors. It's simple - if you do the work to create an appealing investment opportunity, you will find investors.

Continue reading "Find Film Investors & Raise Money for a Feature Movie"

Apr 23, 2024

[Review] Sample Film Business Plan | Charts are Fantastic and a Real Timesaver

Sample Film Business Plan"Really like the automatic spreadsheet, the main reason I purchased your package. I also like the proposal layout and will use it for private investors. I'm actually prepping a film for AFM and am using a little bit of a different proposal for that, but the charts are fantastic and a real timesaver. Thanks again!"

Thanks you, Jess, for taking the time to leave us feedback!!! We can't to hear how you did at AFM!

Check out more Continue reading "[Review] Sample Film Business Plan | Charts are Fantastic and a Real Timesaver"

Apr 21, 2024

Film Professional Business Plan & Financial Projections

Business Plan Services for Independent Film Makers

FilmProposals is thrilled to announce our all new 2021 Business Plan and Consulting Services, designed to help independent film makers create their best films utilizing our 22+ years of expertise.

We offer a variety of services to suit all budgets, having worked with 1000s of filmmakers and film investors throughout our 18 years in the film financing business. From a simple exploratory call, to a full business plan to professional financing projections, we offer something for most any filmmaker.

Continue reading "Film Professional Business Plan & Financial Projections"

Apr 18, 2024

1000 Ways to Finance a Movie | Investors, Grants, Prize, Festivals

1000 Ways to Finance Your Movie

With over 1000 ways to finance your movie, filmmakers have more financing options and resources available than ever before. You can combine any number of film and documentary grants, prizes, investors, contests, festivals, film financing companies and much more to get your film made.

Continue reading "1000 Ways to Finance a Movie | Investors, Grants, Prize, Festivals"

Apr 16, 2024

[Financing Toolkit Review] | A Financing Masterclass For a Fraction of the Price! Five Stars!

Film Financing and Investor ManualI have a broad, basic understanding of film financing. I know most of the steps that need to be taken and I know the material that must be present within a film investor package. However, knowledge/theory of what needs to be done and practically executing it are two very different things. The Film Financing toolkit brings both of those worlds together, you get the theory of how a film investor package works along with the practical execution of the packet. At the price of range, it is by far the most valuable resource I have come across on the internet. IF you are trying to produce an independent film, spend the money now to be prepared later - unpreparedness can be very costly later on. This should be your number one resource for financing your independent film. - Tyler

Continue reading "[Financing Toolkit Review] | A Financing Masterclass For a Fraction of the Price! Five Stars!"

Apr 14, 2024

Indie Filmmaker Tips |Promote YOUR Business/Film

Indie Filmmaker TipsDo you have some great indie filmmaker tips to share with other aspiring or current filmmakers? Do you want to promote your latest film or service to a huge global network of filmmakers, producers, directors, potential investors and distributors? Here is a great opportunity to first pay it forward, and then promote your projects, products and services.

Prior Submissions: If you have already pitched your film, your production services, movie trailer or posted anywhere else on, please be advised we are cleaning up the site. You may go back and add some value to your posting, or it may be removed from the site. Please take a moment to refresh your page and show off what you know. Thank you!

More Info: Filmmaker Tips - Promote Your Business on FilmProposals

Continue reading "Indie Filmmaker Tips |Promote YOUR Business/Film"

Apr 11, 2024

Gold + Financials Filmmaker Bundle | Best Money I've Ever Spent

Gold + Financials Filmmaker BundleMelissa, I was extremely hesitant in purchasing even your lowest priced package. It all sounded to good to be true. I spent 2 months last year writing a business plan from scratch for a different medium. So I just couldn't imagine getting anything worth while for the prices you were offering. But I have an investor that requested a detailed plan with financial projections within 2 weeks, so I pulled the trigger on your Gold + Financials Filmmaker Bundle.

It was the best money I've ever spent! Can't even begin to tell you what a difference it makes. So concise and on point. Makes putting the plan together so fluid and easy. Not having to worry about what to cover, only how to best state it for my film project. Amazing. Thank you so much. Worth every dollar!
- Michael, Filmmaker

Continue reading "Gold + Financials Filmmaker Bundle | Best Money I've Ever Spent"

Apr 09, 2024

Best Independent Film Websites | Free Film Financing Tools, Templates

Best Independent Film Websites

Check out FilmProposals top picks for the best film websites to help you find Film Attorneys, Movie Investors, Film Financing Companies, Independent Film Funding, script libraries, production information and more.

Continue reading "Best Independent Film Websites | Free Film Financing Tools, Templates"

Apr 07, 2024

FilmProposals Film Budget Template FAQs

Sample Film Budget Template Worksheet

Hi. Just wanted to check a few things pre-purchase, specifically about your FilmProposals Budget Template. At what level is this sample budget? SAG Low? Ultra Low? Does this budget, template, etc cater to sub $500K indies shooting out of state, for example? Are the sales projections updated annually based on real-world data from sales/distro channels? ie. When was the last update for bid/ask on say a thriller genre movie in the $1M production budget range?

Continue reading "FilmProposals Film Budget Template FAQs"

Apr 04, 2024

Working With Film Investors | Tools, Agreements, Tips, Plans

How to Work with Film Investors

Working with film investors is a crucial step in moving your film project forward and vital to finishing a quality indie film. Many filmmakers think the hurdle is finding investors, but learning with whom and how to work, to protect both the investor and producer(s) is equally important and might make all the difference between a film that gets completed vs. one that ends up on the shelf.

Continue reading "Working With Film Investors | Tools, Agreements, Tips, Plans"

Apr 02, 2024

[Business Plan Review] | Reliable Source of "Up-to-Date" Information and Insight

Film Financing and Investor Manual

For years, Melissa at has provided high-quality products and services that have helped launch innovative creative content companies, and products. Developing creative entrepreneurs will gain perspective on preparing, and structuring a cinema content business. Seasoned professionals will find a reliable source of "Up-to-Date" information and insight reflected in the tools, tips, and perspectives Melissa's company offers. In all, delivers a consistent level of quality, and value well managed.

Continue reading "[Business Plan Review] | Reliable Source of "Up-to-Date" Information and Insight"

Mar 26, 2024

Ultimate Film Business Plan and Investor Guide - UPDATED

Film Proposal Template Sample

Updated for 2024 - Includes our 8 Week FREE Business Plan Course so you can fast track your financing! The Independent Filmmakers Guide to Writing a Film Proposal and Raising Funds with our Film Proposal Template Example. The Film Proposal Financing Manual covers all the business aspects of turning your film ideas into your reality. Independent Filmmaking and Investors, Film Proposals and Business Plans, Film Proposal Sections and Outline, Film Investors, Funding Sources and Investment Types, Pitching and Attracting Film Investors, Film Financing Glossary and more.

Continue reading "Ultimate Film Business Plan and Investor Guide - UPDATED"

Mar 24, 2024

How to Create an Independent Film Financing Plan

Independent Film Financing Plan

An independent film financing plan can help you form a strategy that will make the tricky process of film financing much easier. When you network to get investors involved in your project - and are trying to earn their trust in that you will deliver what you promise them, then you will most likely find yourself in situations where the potential investor asks questions like: What does the financing plan look like? What percent of your project is equity financing? Are you getting any tax incentives? Rock your investors with how much financing you've secured before even approaching them!

Continue reading "How to Create an Independent Film Financing Plan"

Mar 21, 2024

Comprehensive Guide to Accredited Investors

What is an Accredited Investor

Recent legislative changes make it more important than ever for film makers to know for sure, what is an accredited investor? So, who is an accredited investor and how how do take the 'reasonable' steps outlined by the SEC to satisfy their requirements? Learn More: What is an Accredited Investor?

Continue reading "Comprehensive Guide to Accredited Investors"

Mar 19, 2024

Tips from Successful Filmmakers | How We Financed Cultural Clash Movie

How We Financed Cultural Clash Movie

These rock star tips from successful filmmakers will definitely bring you steps closer to making your movie. Learn how We Financed Cultural Clash Movie: saving by working in film, making contacts, low season flights, equipment deals, free locations.

Continue reading "Tips from Successful Filmmakers | How We Financed Cultural Clash Movie"

Mar 17, 2024

The ULTIMATE Indie Film Pitch Deck for Investors Guide

How to Make an Indie Film Pitch Deck

Making an Indie Film Pitch Deck is quite simple once you have completed your business plan. When first approaching investors and producers, you can't very well send them 40 pages of business plan, financial projections and the script. You want your film pitch deck to be a 7-10 minute read that compels your potential film investors to ask for further details about your project. The indie film pitch should make a strong case for both the financial and creative aspects of your film.

Continue reading "The ULTIMATE Indie Film Pitch Deck for Investors Guide"

Mar 12, 2024

Indie Filmmaker Tips | My Autopsy Movie Financing Tips

My Autopsy Movie Financing Tips

We did a lot of fundraising - including dinners at restaurants, a "paint and wine" night, and also benefit rock shows. A lot of our sets were donated, and it was cheaper to film in West Virginia than anywhere else. Crowdfunding has been an uphill battle as well. It has been a long, hard road to complete My Autopsy, a feature length independent film about the progression of a woman's journey to escape the invisible chains of an abusive relationship.

Continue reading "Indie Filmmaker Tips | My Autopsy Movie Financing Tips"

Mar 10, 2024

[Toolkit Review] Professional Tools to Get the Investors to Give Money Business Plan Package

Wow!! I just purchased the Finance Film Package. It is really good. I am an experienced Film Producer and I have been trying to get financing for 3 years for my film Smoke E.Z. I need $8,000,000. After 3 years I gotta take the plunge and get some professional tools to get the investors to give money for my film. I don't $10,000 for all of this to be done, so I have the challenge to do it myself. This is a really good package to buy if you are looking to finance a film over $5,000,000.

Continue reading "[Toolkit Review] Professional Tools to Get the Investors to Give Money"

Mar 07, 2024

[Review] Film Investment Package | Great for Helping Investors Understand Potential Risks and Rewards

Film Financial Projections Business Plan Template'I found your software to be exceptionally useful for me in helping to define the financial aspects of making and potentially profiting from a film. Having worn many different hats in the entertainment business over the years, I finally decided to seek out a great project and then get it financed.

As a first time Executive Producer, I found your software first to be great for helping me understand film financing ad second helping the various investors who we have been pitching to better understand their risks and potential rewards. I would certainly recommend this software to anyone thinking about seeking financing for films.'

Thanks to Robert for taking the time to leave us feedback!!! Check out more Movie Investor Package Reviews.

Continue reading "[Review] Film Investment Package | Great for Helping Investors Understand Potential Risks and Rewards"

Mar 05, 2024

Lower Your Production Costs Using Film Tax Incentives

Film Tax Incentives

Nothing says I'm ready to make my film and you should investment in my production more than showing you've done your homework before ever approaching investors. Film tax incentives are one of the absolute best ways to do this! You've slashed your budget by 20-30%+, shown you know what you're doing and have put skin in the game. As we say in our Business Plan Template, "Any film with more than 50% of their budget secured without risk is considered an excellent investment in the independent film industry." Here are some of the best ways to leverage these incentives: Using Film Tax Incentives.

Continue reading "Lower Your Production Costs Using Film Tax Incentives"

Feb 29, 2024

First Film Budget | How to Manage Movie Investor Money

First Film BudgetLearn exactly what goes in to your First Film Budget, the two types of low-budget films and how to handle your film money. Part III of our "How to Make a Movie Mini Course" discusses film budgets, costs of talent and crew, film bank accounts and how to handle your film money.

Continue reading "First Film Budget | How to Manage Movie Investor Money"

Feb 27, 2024

Documentary Business Plan & Documentary Pitch Deck

FilmProposals is thrilled to offer help to documentary producers looking for equity investors, by enhancing our Film Fundraising toolkits to address the specific needs of documentarians. The highlight is a unique and updated Documentary Business Plan Template included in all of our Film Financing Toolkits and Bundles. Much of the Documentary Business Plan is just like that of our narrative Film Business Plan Template, however, we've also done some major custom work to specifically highlight why documentaries are a great investment and how to best showcase your documentary to investors:

Documentary Business Plan Template

  • Documentary Business Plan Template - this updated template is completely redone to focus only on documentary films. Recent successes, emerging documentary trends, streaming and studio deals, distribution patterns, audience statistics, revenue generated for sample films and much more. When did Docs become profitable and start selling for $5M or $10M at festivals? We lay it all out for you...
  • Documentary Pitch Deck - while our pitch deck template can be used for any type of film, you will use your business plan research to ensure the deck showcases your documentary as a worthy investment opportunity
  • Financial Projections/ Comparable Films - our custom database and custom financial projections flow seamlessly for both documentaries and narrative films

The new Documentary Business Plan Template is included in ALL of our Film Financing Toolkits and Bundles, so you can purchase any of them and be well on your way to funding any part of your documentary with private investments.

Continue reading "Documentary Business Plan & Documentary Pitch Deck"

Feb 22, 2024

[Review] Substantive, Professional, Organized, Immensely Useful Business Plan PackageThank you for the Film Financing Package #3 (with the 7 bonus items). The content is substantive, professional, organized and immensely useful and practical. I've been promised this sort of material in the past from other resources and it's NEVER been this comprehensive. Kudos to you!

- Jon

Continue reading "[Review] Substantive, Professional, Organized, Immensely Useful"

Feb 20, 2024

[Bundle Review] | Almost Fully Funded! Your Resources Were Essential in Getting This Thing Made

Film Financing and Investor Manual

I'm almost fully funded for my feature film this summer! The resources you and your team have provided were essential in getting this thing made. I could not have done this without you. - Chris

Continue reading "[Bundle Review] | Almost Fully Funded! Your Resources Were Essential in Getting This Thing Made"

Feb 15, 2024

Indie Film Distributors | List of Distributors, Digital, Distribution Strategy

Indie Film Distributors

Indie film distributors look for one thing only when they evaluate paying for your Indie Films. "Will this film be profitable for us?" To evaluate this, they look at your film, the size of the target audience, how your film compares to previously successful similar films, and in the end, it comes down to whether they think they can successfully get your film screened in a theater or digitally.

Continue reading "Indie Film Distributors | List of Distributors, Digital, Distribution Strategy"

Feb 13, 2024

How to Create a Compelling Film Distribution Plan

Film Distribution Plan

Your Film Distribution Plan just may be the way to unlock the secret pathway to the big screen for your indie film. Dive into our comprehensive guide on crafting a compelling distribution strategy to woo audiences and critics alike! Our definitive exploration of indie film distribution, where we unveil the strategies that will help independent filmmakers navigate the complex terrain of getting their work in front of eager audiences. Learn all about: Crafting the Ultimate Film Distribution Plan.

Continue reading "How to Create a Compelling Film Distribution Plan"

Feb 08, 2024

How to Calculate Your Film's Return on Investment in Biz Plan

Indie Film Return on Investment

Discover the secrets behind skyrocketing your ROI while unraveling the blend of creative storytelling and strategic financial planning. Dive in to learn how to balance artistic passion with profitable entrepreneurship in the world of indie film. The quest for a substantial Return on Investment (ROI) is not merely a financial ambition; it's a necessary strategy to sustain your passion and continue producing impactful stories. More Info: Indie Film Return on Investment

Continue reading "How to Calculate Your Film's Return on Investment in Biz Plan"

Feb 06, 2024

Pitching Film Investors | How to Close the Deal and Get Financed

Pitching Film Investors

Our tips and techniques on pitching to film investors will teach you practical tips, proven fundraising language, how to instill confidence in your investors, even if you've never made a film before, and exactly which industry sources to use to make them want to write you a check on the spot. Don't waste your hard work by not being prepared for your meetings and calls.

Continue reading "Pitching Film Investors | How to Close the Deal and Get Financed"

Feb 01, 2024


Has any show taught us more about Hollywood deal making than HBO's Entourage? The most important lesson we learn from Ari Gold (besides how to be a total d&ck) is this:

Ari Gold Film Investors

And there it is - in 25 seconds Ari gets us from "I have an idea/script" to "it's about the investors." See more info in our">Preparing for Film Investors series, including The 10 things you MUST do to attract film investors!!


Jan 30, 2024

Film Grants Spring Deadlines 2024 | Independent, Student, Documentary, Screenwriting

Film Industry Statistics

Time to finish your Film Grant applications to meet those spring deadlines. Some upcoming deadlines include: Austin Film Society Film Grants, Chicago Digital Media Production Fund (April), Derek Freese Documentary Fund (April), Filmmakers Without Borders Filmmaking Grants (June), Intercept Documentary Film Grant (June), Jerome Foundation Film Grants (April), Shore Scripts Short Film Fund (May), Princess Grace Film Awards (May), Women In Film | Film Finishing Fund Grant (WIFF FFF) (May/June/July). You can always find the complete list of Film Grants here.

Continue reading "Film Grants Spring Deadlines 2024 | Independent, Student, Documentary, Screenwriting"

Jan 25, 2024

Netflix 2024: Selling Your Documentary To Netflix

Selling Your Documentary To Netflix

Desktop Documentaries, one of the very few industry sites we recommend, has just announced their updated for 2024 course: Netflix 2024: Selling To Netflix and the Streamers! The course includes step-by-step tutorials, interactive database, key contacts, trends/analysis and Interactive Live Q&A Sessions. Netflix is in constant need of fresh content and their buyers are seeking outstanding independent filmmakers and documentary creatives who can deliver the stories that Netflix wants. Learn the ins and outs of getting your doc or doc series onto Netflix with SELLING YOUR DOCUMENTARY TO NETFLIX.

Continue reading "Netflix 2024: Selling Your Documentary To Netflix"

Jan 23, 2024

Creative Capital Film Grants | Documentary, Narrative, Emerging

Creative Capital Film Video Grant

Creative Capital provides each funded project with up to $50,000 in direct funding and career development services valued at $50,000. In 2023, Creative Capital disbursed a record-breaking $2.25 million in direct financial support to 163 artists in 75 cities. Since 1999, Creative Capital has committed over $45 million in project funding and advisory support to 561 projects representing 700 artists. The Creative Capital Award application is a ten-month process. For their 25th Anniversary in 2025, Creative Capital welcomes innovative and original new project proposals in visual arts, performing arts, film/moving image, technology, literature, multidisciplinary and socially engaged forms from March 4 – April 4, 2024.

Continue reading "Creative Capital Film Grants | Documentary, Narrative, Emerging"

Jan 18, 2024

[Financial Template Review] | Financial Film Package Invaluable and Well Worth the Money

Film Business Plan VOD Projections

I've made short films before, but this is my first feature, and the first film I've tried raising money for. This template, actually the whole package, has been invaluable and well worth the money I spent on it. So much information is packed into what I got that I'm almost dizzy from it all.

Continue reading "[Financial Template Review] | Financial Film Package Invaluable and Well Worth the Money"

Jan 16, 2024

Film Financing Companies 2024

Film Financing Companies

Sometimes, private investors are not the right track to raise money for your independent film. Maybe you don't have the right contacts, are geographically removed, or just want the professionals to handle the numbers for you. This is where Film Financing Companies may offer you an edge. To be clear, if you are new to the film industry, then Film Financing Companies are not the right place for you to look for funding. But for those in the right place in their careers, here is our guide to Film Financing Companies.

Continue reading "Film Financing Companies 2024"

Jan 11, 2024

Download: Film Financial Projections Movie Template

Film Financial Projections Business Plan Template

Getting the overall picture of your film financial projections has never been easier. Our template walks you through analyzing your film, comparing it to other films, plugging in movie production costs and easily allows you to add financials directly into your Independent Film Business Plan. You have complete flexibility over the distribution and VOD revenue model(s) you choose and you complete your calculations any way that works for you.

More Info: Film Financial Projections Template

Continue reading "Download: Film Financial Projections Movie Template"

Jan 09, 2024

Film Product Placement Deals

Film Product Placement Deals

Product placement stands out as a strategic tool for filmmakers to secure funding and partners that increases the value of their investment when approaching film investors. Product placement, the art of integrating brands into the storyline of a film, isn't just about financial gains; it's about creating a symbiotic relationship between the brand and the film's narrative. Mastering this craft can make a significant impact on your film's budget. Learn all about: Film Product Placement Deals.

Continue reading "Film Product Placement Deals"

Jan 04, 2024

It's 2024 and Awards Season Starts Soon! Are You and YOUR Film Business Plan Ready to Take Advantage of the Industry Buzz?

How to Write a Film Business Plan

2024 is upon us, which means the start of Film Awards Season (Golden Globes November 17, 2023 and Academy Awards March 10, 2024), and one of the BEST times to raise money for your Indie Film. Are YOUR Pitch Deck, Financial Analyses and Business Plan done so you are ready to approach investors while nominations and awards on fresh on everyone's mind? Get a head start and use our Business Plan Templates so you are ready to go!

Continue reading "It's 2024 and Awards Season Starts Soon! Are You and YOUR Film Business Plan Ready to Take Advantage of the Industry Buzz?"

Jan 02, 2024

Free Film Templates, Worksheets, Downloads & Samples

Free Film Templates Looking for the best list of free film templates? Do you know how many free film tools and samples exist across the internet? Tons, and here is a great starter list of free budgets, guides, books and more for the Independent Filmmaker. Grab your Film Making Action Guide, Film Festival Report, Sample Film Business Plan Template, Cash Flow Report, Movie Budgets, Film Investment Memorandum, Sample Contracts and more today!

More Info: Free Film Templates

Continue reading "Free Film Templates, Worksheets, Downloads & Samples"

Dec 28, 2023

Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan | Tips for Reaching Your Audience

Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan

Your Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan are the hardest parts of your business plan to complete. FilmProposals has done all the heavy lifting for you for your financial projections, covering the industry, using top tier research and statistics and discussing all the latest release trends and acquisitions. However, Film Marketing and Distribution Plans are unique to every film and this is where a producer has to focus their efforts to be successful. When you have these mapped out, investors and distributors will know you have a solid deal on the table. Luckily, we've helped so many successful filmmakers over the years, and now offer our expert formula for reaching your audience, winning film festivals and getting distribution.

Continue reading "Film Marketing Plan & Distribution Plan | Tips for Reaching Your Audience"

Dec 21, 2023

Once A Clown Short Film Financing Tips | Crowdfunding Lessons Learned

Once A Clown Short Film Financing Tips

Once A Clown Short Film was funded partially via crowdfunding, and partially through the use of my bank overdraft. Our crowdfuning campaign did not do well, so we then interviewed with a former film producer regarding crowdfunding and learned some VERY valuable crowdfunding lessons.

Continue reading "Once A Clown Short Film Financing Tips | Crowdfunding Lessons Learned"

Back to Top of Film Proposals Blog

While our FilmProposals Bundles & Toolkits will save you hundreds of hours with prewritten text and templates and speed up your learning curve by showing you how to complete complicated financial projections, there is still a lot of information to process. We designed this FREE Film Business Plan Course to be sent once per week to break the process of writing your business plan into manageable pieces, and to keep you accountable and focused. In case you can't see the sign up form, try here.

FilmProposals - 2024 Financing Toolkits & Bundles

DIY Toolkits, Legal & Finance Service Bundles
See All Financing Toolkits, Financing Bundles & Film Legal Packs

Gold Toolkit + Financials Bundle

Most Popular
Coming Through the Rye

Just want to thank you for your materials and help over the past year. I could not have raised the $1.5 million or made this film without the materials you provided. The bargain of my career!
- James Sadwith, Producer, Writer, Director, Coming Through the Rye

Inside Sportfishing

Finished my deck on Friday. Got it into a few potential investor’s hands over the weekend, and by Monday had 3 out of the 10 available memberships spoken for at $160K each. The revenue projections and film comparable services by NASH, along with the business plan and pitch deck templates were instrumental in presenting the project in such a way that financially minded potential investors could understand the movie business, the market and how my project could possibly give them a substantial ROI.

Melissa was amazing throughout the entire process. Always there to answer any questions. Couldn’t have done it without you guys. Can’t thank you enough. Best money I’ve ever spent.
- Michael F, Executive Producer, Inside Sportfishing (Gold + Financials Bundle)